How web development works

How web development works

The internet is a vast, complex place. It’s made up of many different pieces, like the hardware that makes it possible to connect to the internet and the various websites, apps and online services that people use every day. Web development is one of those pieces. The best way to understand web development is by learning all about these different pieces—and how they fit together!

Front end web development

Front end web development is the process of using HTML and CSS to design, create, modify and deploy websites. Front end developers use HTML to write code that can be interpreted by computers and displayed as websites. The skills required include:

  • Programming

  • Designing

  • User interaction design (UI/UX)

Back end web development

Back end web development is the process of writing code to create a website’s back end. This includes creating databases and APIs, writing server-side code in languages such as Java and C#, performing input/output (I/O) operations on data stored within the database, processing business logic (if any), storing files for download on the site (such as images), etc.

Back end web development can be further divided into two subcategories:

  • Server side programming: The act of writing code that runs on servers instead of client machines. In this type of development environment, developers write their code using one or more programming languages supported by their preferred web hosting service provider such as Python or PHP. They then upload that application onto their hosting account by using FTP software like FileZilla or Cyberduck; once uploaded it can be accessed through a URL that points to its location on the server (e.g., http://www.[domain].com).

Full stack web development

Full stack web developers are the most in-demand, and for good reason. They can handle all aspects of a website—from the front end to back end development.

Full stack developers can work on both the front end and backend of a website, or even do both simultaneously. A full stack developer will work with you from concept through launch so that your project is successful.

Web development involves a lot of skills in both front and back end coding.

Web development is an ever-evolving industry. Each year brings new technologies for web developers to learn, such as open-source frameworks and languages that make it easier for everyone to build websites. Learning how to code is one of the first steps to becoming a web developer, but there are many other skills you’ll need in order to build professional websites.

You will also need knowledge of how various tools and technologies work together in order to build complex applications online. It’s important for developers to understand how websites are hosted on servers located around the world, which allows them access anywhere in the world with an internet connection (like on your phone).

A lot of people think web development is about making pretty websites, but it’s actually a lot more than that. Web developers use their skills to make sites that are functional and easy to navigate. The goal is to deliver a positive experience for every user who visits your site!



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